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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to Reach An Audience through Blogging

How to Reach an Audience through Blogging?
Blogging can give many benefits to blogger and internet users because blog is one of the effective medium to share any information, news, latest games or to advertise new products. Blog also can play an important role as coping mechanism to blogger and fellow followers because it can act as journal of life experiences. It can encourage the blogger to express their feelings about sadness in their heart, stress at workplace, and excitement in their everyday life. 
            Now, we all know the benefits of blogging and the most important question is how to reach an audience to become your followers? 
1.      Target audience
First of all, blogger must know their target audience. Target audience can be business people, teenagers, fans of football or any other sports group, and fans of popular singer or actor. The blog is an excellent ways to show our expertise or passion in one particular idea. So, to become successful blogger, we must correctly define who the target audience is and of course we cannot possibly attract any single type of audience to read our blog. Narrowing the target audience and not too general is the best way to do and it can actually attract more people to read our blog.
2.      Content
Interesting information or content is the most crucial part of our blog. Powerful and important content can attract more people to keep reading and follows our blog but always remember that we must keep updated the blog and information regularly.

3.      Style of writing
Sometimes, unique style of writing can attract more guests to read our blog. To make it interesting, make simple and not too complicated sentences. The tone and mood of writing also must suite with the article or topic that we discussed.

4.      Gadgets and plugins
User friendly gadgets and plugins also can expand the audience to visits our blog and give comments or thoughts in our blog. Nowadays, many fun and interactive gadgets can easily be uploaded and it will definitely make our blog attractive because we can put music, games, or social network such as Facebook and Twitter. By linking their blog to their preferable social network, many people that use the network will clicking the link and can easily throw comments and ideas on a link.

5.      Appearance and functionality
Our blog must be functional to the guest and it also important to have nice looking and color-friendly blog. Sometimes, we might go through blog that use striking color and the message or information is interesting, but if the color or font of the writing make it crowded and eye irritating, we just might skipped it.  Furthermore, we must focus on creating the blog that is nice to look and attractive appearance and most important is we must put our self into visitor’s perspective first before we decorate our blog.  
6.      Original layout and design
Originality of the layout used by blogger and design of the background may also catch the attention of readers to follow our blog. Blog can boost the creativity of the blogger to keep posting an attention-grabbing message or construct unique layouts and design.

7.      Use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
How to make people to visits our website or blog instead of thousands and millions websites available? In advance and rapid development in technology, through SEO and researched keywords, we can make our blog go up fast to the top of search engine ranking. Search engine will favor fresh content, well-structured sites, heavily linked and also accessible to any kind of readers. In addition, the keywords used in the post are very significant to drive more traffic.


hobbit1964 said...

Nice write-up. Quite comprehensive on the various aspects of the blog being a platform for social outreach.
Do you sit next to Captain Awesome in the computer lab?